Webster Technique

Make your pregnancy a healthy and more comfortable experience through the Webster Technique with Dr. Yara Jouhari at KC Spine & Wellness in Kansas City, MO.

Quick Guide to the Webster Technique

If you are pregnant, you might have heard of a chiropractic method known as the Webster Technique. This technique is used to facilitate a healthier and more comfortable pregnancy and delivery. What does the technique actually do? And how is it beneficial? Dr. Jouhari and the team at KC Spine & Wellness in Kansas City, MO, share the answers to these questions and more below.

Impact of Pregnancy

Carrying a baby is an incredible experience, but it’s not exactly easy on the body. The growing belly puts excess strain on the spine and pelvic area, which can lead to various issues. It often causes lower back pain, pelvic misalignment, nerve issues, and more. It can also leave little room for the baby to turn into a head-first birthing position.

Additionally, the body releases a hormone to relax the ligaments, joints, and muscles. This is important, as it plays a role in preparing for delivery. However, it can add to issues such as those mentioned above.

How the Webster Technique Can Help

A Webster-certified chiropractor is well-versed in the impact pregnancy has on the body, the baby, and delivery. They’ll examine the pelvic region to uncover any misalignment that is present. Using gentle techniques, the misalignment is corrected so that pelvic function and balance can be restored.

The Webster technique is effective in relieving various symptoms, including sciatica, back pain, and hip pain. And though this technique is used for pregnant mothers, anyone can benefit from proper pelvic alignment.

Pregnant mothers, however, often experience other benefits from the Webster Technique. Restoring pelvic alignment helps create the space necessary for breech babies to turn into the proper birthing position, which reduces the likelihood of needing a C-section. Proper pelvic alignment also makes the birth process smoother and typically faster.

Learn more about the Webster Technique and how it can benefit you by visiting Dr. Jouhari and the team at KC Spine & Wellness in Kansas City, MO. Call (816) 384-2300 to schedule your appointment.

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