Trigger Point Therapy

When you’re suffering from chronic pain, trigger points could be at the root. At KC Spine & Wellness in Kansas City, MO, Dr. Yara Jouhari offers trigger point therapy and other effective methods for relieving pain and suffering.

Guide to Trigger Point Therapy With Your Kansas City, MO Chiropractor

Pain can come from a variety of sources, including muscle issues, disc problems, dislocations, and more. However, it can also come from what are known as trigger points.

When the body is somehow injured or in threat of an injury, it naturally works to protect itself. Consider a car accident. Many people instinctively tense up when a collision is possible. In most cases, tension from such an event will disappear within a few days.

In other cases, though, the body is continuously working to protect itself – often due to an injury. For example, if there is a misalignment somewhere along the spine, surrounding soft tissues will work hard to keep your body upright and functioning properly.

When a situation like this occurs, trigger points develop. You can think of them as knots or adhesions in the soft tissues. Unfortunately, knots typically take more than stretches to relax, which is where trigger point therapy comes in.

What Is Trigger Point Therapy and How Does It Work?

Trigger point therapy is a very effective method for releasing these knots or trigger points. Dr. Jouhari at KC Spine & Wellness will begin by locating the trigger points in your soft tissues. She’ll then apply pressure to the trigger point until your pain and discomfort are reduced. Some people have more than one trigger point, so Dr. Jouhari will move along to the next one until each one has been addressed.

Trigger points do not develop overnight, so do not expect trigger point therapy to immediately relieve your pain fully. You’ll likely require a few sessions for complete relief.

Additionally, using trigger point therapy alone will not achieve optimal results. The root cause of the trigger points will also need to be addressed, so your treatment plan will likely also include other chiropractic techniques as well as changes in your daily habits. Don’t worry, Dr. Jouhari will customize a plan to help you achieve optimal relief and prevent trigger points in the future.

If you’d like to learn more about trigger point therapy and how it can benefit your life in Kansas City, MO, call (816) 384-2300 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Jouhari at KC Spine & Wellness.

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