Sciatica Treatments

Sciatica is a painful condition of the sciatic nerve. It can be treated in many ways, but many patients are understandably very concerned with managing the pain. At KC Spine and Wellness of Kansas City, MO, Dr. Yara Jouhari helps sciatica patients with pain management and rehabilitation.

What is Sciatica?

Sciatica is pain and weakness resulting from compression of the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is the longest one in the body, and it runs from the lower back down the entire leg. When this nerve is compressed by inflammation, improper joint alignment, or other causes, signals of the nerve being inhibited can cause a myriad of symptoms. These symptoms include pain, limited range of motion, weakness, and more.

How to Manage Sciatica Pain

Sciatica pain most often appears somewhere along the location of the nerve. It can be sharp and shooting, and it often appears suddenly after activity. Pain can be managed with heat and cold. Gently mobilizing the affected area may also help. The goal is to reduce inflammation around the nerve so it can glide through its housing without friction. It's also important to strengthen the muscles around the sciatic nerve. This gives the body the strength to maintain proper anatomical alignment. Exercise also improves blood flow, which promotes healing!

How Chiropractors Treat Sciatica

Many different chiropractic techniques are effective in the treatment of sciatica. Adjustments can improve any misalignment that may be causing the condition, and at KC Spine and Wellness of Kansas City, MO, we use myofascial release and other techniques to retrain our patients' muscle memory. This means that our adjustments will last because healthy musculoskeletal alignment becomes your body's new normal. Chiropractors can also provide targeted rehabilitative exercise programs to help build strength and remedy muscle imbalances. All of these methods have been proven to reduce sciatica pain.

If you believe you're suffering from sciatica in the Kansas City, MO, area, Dr. Jouhari can help! She will assess your situation and design a treatment to rid you of both sciatica pain and the underlying cause. To book an initial consultation at KC Spine and Wellness, simply call our office at (816) 384-2300 or schedule an appointment online here. We look forward to working with you!

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