Experience personalized chiropractic care provided by Dr. Yara Jouhari of KC Spine & Wellness in Kansas City, MO.

Chiropractic Care Personalized for You

A blanket treatment approach can deliver results, but it may not be as effective as you’d hoped. Even if you have experienced pain relief, the treatment you received may not last or restore your function.

To get the results you’re looking for, you must seek out a medical professional who tailors the treatment they provide to your needs. That’s especially important if you are seeking chiropractic care.

Ideally, your chiropractor should be able to evaluate your condition and provide the specific forms of treatment that your body will respond to best. They must identify the root causes of your health issues so they can render the best treatment available for them.

Collaboration is also critical to the successful provision of personalized chiropractic care. You must be able to work comfortably with your chiropractor so you can freely speak about your concerns and preferences. They must also be attentive caregivers if they want to treat their patients properly.

Thankfully, chiropractors who go the extra mile to offer their patients personalized care are out there.

Work with Dr. Yara Jouhari of KC Spine & Wellness if you want to experience personalized chiropractic treatments in Kansas City, MO.

A Diverse Array of Services

Aside from offering personalized chiropractic care, we also take pride in our ability to provide varied forms of treatment. Patients want personalized chiropractic care so we cater to them by presenting numerous treatment options.

Here at the clinic, we offer spinal adjustments, myofascial release, and trigger-point therapies. Patients often seek us for help with neck pain, lower back pain, headaches, shoulder issues, neuropathy, and plantar fasciitis.

Developing a diverse array of chiropractic services is important to us. We see it as something critical to our success. Give our services a try by dropping by the clinic today!

Call 816-384-2300 and book a treatment session with Dr. Jouhari of KC Spine & Wellness if you’re seeking  personalized chiropractic treatment in Kansas City, MO.

Clinic Hours

When we are open:



8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


By Appointment Only





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